Owners are responsible for ensuring ships under their management are sufficiently manned for safe operation
Minimum Safe Manning Proposal
Luxembourg Ship Owners must submit a Minimum Safe Manning Proposal detailing the level of manning (numbers and ranks) that they consider suitable for the safe operation of the vessel under normal conditions and reasonably foreseeable circumstances, including:
- Operational requirements
- Trading area
- On-board watch system
- Ship type
- Navigation
- Security
- Routine maintenance duties
- Emergencies (ex. accidents, environmental pollution)
Supporting Documents
The Proposal must be supported by the following documents:
- General arrangement plan, with details of the navigational bridge, engine room and accommodations
- Vessel safety plan
- Muster list
- Table specifying the work organization on board
- Draft record of crew rest hours
Owners should consider relevant IMO and EU Minimum Safe Manning Guidelines to determine crew numbers and qualifications for safe vessel operation.
IMO Resolution A.1047(27) Principles of Safe Manning;
Regulation (EC) 725/2004/EC of 31 March 2004 (Art. 3(5));
Circular CAM 11/2016 – Application for Minimum Safe Manning Document (MSMD)