Fleet Performance

Luxembourg is committed to upholding high safety, security, environmental and crew welfare standards

Flag Safety Inspections

The Luxembourg Maritime Administration promotes quality shipping through annual Flag State Inspections (FSIs). FSIs monitor and verify regulatory compliance of Luxembourg vessels with international, European and national rules and regulations.

The FSI program covers all ships registered in the Luxembourg Ship Registry. The inspection scope includes certificate and document control, followed by a systematic sampling of the ship’s general condition, safety management and security systems, work on board, emergency preparedness, pollution prevention measures and crew accommodation.

Inspection Reporting

The Master must receive a copy of the PSC inspection report from PSC authorities and promptly communicate it to the Luxembourg Administration.

Circular CAM 01/2001 – PSC reporting requirements


 Deficiencies identified in the PSC inspection report must be rectified according to PSC requirements:

  • prior to the ship’s departure,
  • at the latest, in the next port of call;
  • within 14 days; or
  • following an additional inspector-requested ISM Code audit.


In case of serious deficiencies, the Port State Control Officer (PSCO) may decide to detain a ship until their rectification. A notice of detention is issued to the Master, the Flag State Administration and the Classification Society. The Master should promptly notify the Luxembourg Administration of the detention. Once satisfied with the corrective actions, the Master can apply to the PSC for re-inspection.


Detentions may be appealed by the Master or Company.

Kindly contact us for more information.

For urgent PSC issues, please contact the Duty Officer.